Cotswold Lavender
Is lavender natures healer? I absolutely love the smell of lavender, it is one of my favourite smells. I’ve had lavender plants in my garden for three years now, pruning them each autumn and praying that they make it through the winter, which they have done so far. If I am struggling to sleep, I […]
Washington D.C., New York, Boston
What are the ingredients of a fabulous holiday? About this time last year I was out to dinner with SBA and LBA, nothing special just an opportunity to catch up and us a voucher that we had. Conversation turned to holidays and one thing led to another and by the end of the evening we […]
Where do you look for your garden inspiration? On Saturday I found myself with a whole day free due to all previous plans being postponed. I had been telling Mum about my change of circumstances and that I was wondering what to do with myself, when she suggested we visit another National Trust property. Last […]
Upton House and Gardens Warwickshire
Is there a decade that you prefer for architecture and interiors? On Saturday I was having a mother and daughter day with my mum and was thinking about what we could do. When looking through my Twitter stream I noticed that the National Trust was having an open weekend. Considering we had already had afternoon […]
Can anything beat a day in the English countryside? #2 You’ll know from are these the first signs of Spring? and can anything beat a day in the English countryside? #1 that I love nothing more than spending the day in the English countryside, especially Warwickshire and Gloucestershire. Having taken the day off on Monday to […]
Broadway in the Cotswolds
Can anything beat a day in the English countryside? On such a gorgeous sunny day, as today was, I couldn’t stay indoors and miss being under such lovely blue skies. If this was a summers day I’d be heading to the Cotswolds. So I seized the moment and headed out into the English countryside. I […]